English spelling quiz

Here's a little quiz for you about English spelling. You can guess the answers or try to 'google' them if you don't know. There are no prizes except the warm glow of satisfaction you'll receive for each one you got right! You'll probably get a warmer glow if you didn't google them!!

Have fun and leave comments about anything you don't agree with.


  1. This is very good, I enjoyed every one of them. Thanks Johanna,


  2. Thanks Fayez. I think I've made it a bit too difficult! I'm still waiting for someone to get 100%.

  3. I'm not sure it is too difficult, I just think we have gotten away from understanding language! We seem to be living in a world that has become accustomed to wanting things quick and short (lol, brb, etc.!) and well, super sized! =) I am enjoying your blog very much! Thanks for your comments!

  4. That's true, Maryalice. Most of the questions in the quiz are just 'spelling trivia' though. Not knowing a word containing 'pph' isn't going to do anyone any harm. Luckily! But there must be SOMEONE out there who can get 100% on the quiz (first time).

  5. Johanna,

    That was very very hard!!!!! ghoti = fish?
    Also strengths with an s - girl, I feel like a dunce.


  6. Yes, Karenne, I'm not sure that making it so hard was such a good idea - I'm just depressing everyone! Maybe I should offer a prize to the first person to get them all right. Or perhaps it just means that everyone needs to read my forthcoming book: 'How to Teach English Spelling'!! All the answers are in there somewhere.

  7. Great fun! I missed the last one by a typo :-( Just goes to prove that accuracy REALLy counts!

    Looking forward to your book, too.

  8. Wow, Barbara! The best score so far! One little typo - perhaps we can overlook that :-) Congratulations! Hope you enjoy The Spelling Blog.

  9. I'll be coming back - I obviously need a refresher :)

  10. Couldn't arrhythms be one of the nine-letter words?

  11. Oh, thanks, Therese, it's certainly another one that I didn't have - a bonus point to you! There are probably more of these technical and medical words too. Let me know if you find more.
