Wordsearch your personality - a bit of wordy fun

I'd love to attribute this to someone but I can't find out who - it just seems to be flying round Facebook at the moment.

Actually, it should say 'the first four adjectives you see describe you', because the first word I saw was 'ram'! That's not me at all! Once I realised what I was meant to be doing though I came out as outgoing, dramatic, reserved and talented. Not quite sure how I can be outgoing and reserved at the same time!

Anyway what about you? Which four words did you see first? Teachers, try it with your students - a bit of vocabulary personalisation? And great for seeing words within words, which can really help with spelling long words.

By the way, a big hello to the people I met at the Language Show in London on Sunday and all the teachers I'm looking forward to meeting in Romania this week (25-30 Oct 2011).

Now, come on, what were your words? And do they describe you?



  1. My first four adjectives were genuine,elegant, peaceful and patient...what about that?
    It makes sense...

  2. Hi Johanna, the first words I saw were 'Peaceful','passionate', 'thoughtful' and 'charismatic' - the first and third are true, the first is a moot point, but I don't really agree (and would passionately defend my right not to!) and the final one is something that I don't feel. I really like this blog, which I discovered only today (at what point is it no longer to qualify 'discovered' with only?) - I look forward to reading your most recent book!

    Best wishes


  3. Ha, I'm wrestless!!!

  4. yeaaah im elegant ;)
